Monday 8 June 2015

A Man of Substance

A Man of Substance.

Those in all, and as said ascribing in all again, and to the very contents of this Blog, might in all even be said to have a difficulty, keeping Track in all, and of Time/History, and if not in speak too, and of the very best of manners in all, and of Pacing oneself that is.

That in understanding what is been said here, is to now speak of History, and as said even having its origins now, and in speak too of the ancient Times that is. For it now does very well go along in all, and with speak now perhaps, and of the said Man of God too. From thenceforth, History, and as probably said Italian too, now does arise and proceed, and with speak now and of the Man of Arms, and as very well said English too that is. History and as said European though, now too does speak of a Man of Letters, but in speak now and of the dearth in all, and of the old World that is, now does see the very rise in all, and of the/a Man of No Importance that is [and as said someone too, who simply has no idea, and of what to do with their Time that is]. History though, does very much still proceed, and in speak too of the Pre-Modern, and which does furtherly even, speak too of Brazil, and of the very rise of the said Man of Style that is.

In many a way though, the World and as it is today, probably in all, speaking or talking, and of the Man of Substance too that is.