Tuesday 31 March 2015

African Tales

African Tales.

This entry, now does in all even propose in all again, or put forward truly, that what we did in all even term the African Body Consciousness, is believed in all again, said more formidable, and than that seen all over the World, and in speak now and of equating, and directly too, Africa, and with Egypt that is.

In having said that, is to also mention in all that, while Egypt in all, is believed said African truly, and in speak of the Story, while Africa on the otherhand, is actually in all truly even, ruled over and in most / many a way, and by the Tale actually.

In having said all this, is to now speak of this very Blog, and as said many a thing too that is. That it in all, and in a said here two part formation too, does now speak of the African State, and of African Affairs too that is. That in speak of the African State, speak now and of the previously mentioned Blog and of Africana (Link), and as now believed even said, and to bring all other Blogs and on Africa too, and by the Blogger, together, and not only in speak of sacred Spaces for instance, but in speak in all truly, and of the Moment, and as said as definitive too that is.

In having said the above, and that the Moment in all again, now does speak too and of this Blog, speak now and of African Affairs, and as referring and to speak too, and of the African Body Consciousness, and as defined and in speak of Ignorance, and of Instigation too, and such that, it does in all even now speak and of one, and as said reading all other said Blogs and on Africa too, and by the Blogger too, and in speak now and of Ignorance and Instigation too that is.

While the above, and in a said two-part formation in all, now does speak too and of African Tales in all, there is another said manner in all again, and of defining it all, and as said as such that is. That this in all, now does speak too, and of the Moment, and if not of the African State, and as said to speak too, and of 'the African', and as with it in all even now speaking in all again, and of Spirituality too, and that does in all even refer and to Cosmogony that is.

In having said the above, speak too now though, and of African Tales in all, and of Ignorance and of Instigation too in all again, and as said to speak too, and of African Religion, and as said believed in all even, and to truly exist, and in speak only and of (African) Cosmology that is.

A differing manner in all, and of viewing the above, now does speak too, and of the African State, and if not of the Moment in itself, and as simply perceived, and in speak of Play that is.

In many a way too, speak now and of African Affairs, and of Ignorance and Instigation too, and as said to refer in all, and to speak of Drama in itself that is.