Tuesday 31 March 2015

The Thinker

The Thinker.

When we do in all even refer here, and to speak of the Thinker, we are in all even approaching it all, and not from speak of Physiology/Physiognomy that is, and as the Egyptian tradition in all very much does, but in all again, and in speak of Body Consciousness in itself that is.

In having said that, is to now speak and of the very fact that, before and in all, one can in all again come to be said Intelligent that is, they in all again, should have a general understanding or knowing, or a sense of it all too, and of whom/who in all they are, and in speak of Behaviour, and of the Behavioural too that is. That in all, this and in the very least, now does speak too, and of Man, and in the very least and as said possessing, Rote Memory, and in speak too of Learning/Redundant Memory that is.

In understanding all this much better, is to now call upon many an African in all, and in asking them, whom/who in all they are, and in speak too and of basic Intelligence that is. That Africans, are often unaware that Intelligence, and as said too African, now does ask of them, whom/who in all they are, and in Identity, Physical too, and that does in all even speak and of the very word/term of Ori that is. That Intelligence, and as said African, and in speak of Ori, and of the Physical Body too, now does speak too and of the very term of Carnality too, and as said referring and to one, and in speak of Actions, Gesture and of Inclination too that is. While the latter, Inclination, does speak too of Rote Memory, and speak too of Actions, now does refer and to speak of Redundant/Learning Memory in all, what they do call Gesture, could in all even be said associated in all again, and with a Memory, and that does in all even primarily in all, and if not fundamentally too, speak of Ori that is.

The above though, does speak of Africans, and as said defined in all, and in speak of Carnality that is. Africans, and in Intelligence though, and in speak too and of opening up in all, and to one and as said Intelligence that is, now does speak too of it all and as having more to it, and other than speak of truly knowing oneself, and in Actions, Gesture and Inclination too that is. That it in all, now does speak too and of the very term of Physicality, and as now said centered in all even, and in speak and of the Heart, and not of the Solar Plexus either [and in speak too now and of Carnality that is]. That this in all, now does speak of one, and in Intelligence, and as said to speak and of Shadowing (and of Rote Memory too), and further speak too of Tailing (Redundant/Learning Memory), and if not in speak now, and of Intelligence, and as said often associated and with the Heart, and as now said to speak too of Mirroring that is.

In all and in referring to the above, and as said Physicality and Carnality too in all, is to now refer, and to speak too of the Ifa tradition, and which does in all even associate, Intelligence, and with the said aligning in all, and of the Heart, and of Ori too that is (and with Ori here , now said perceived and from the Solar Plexus too), and which does in all even speak of the merging, and of Intelligence, and as said to speak too of Carnality and Physicality, and such that, it does in all even now, open one up, and to a said Higher Intelligence in all, and if not that said Supreme too that is.