Wednesday 1 April 2015

The Harlequin

The Harlequin.

What in all, is African Civ., simply said to be, and in one word, or three too? It in all, now does come down, and to speak and of the very Character in all, and of the Harlequin that is. For the Harlequin, and in Jest or Humour too, does in all even truly mimic African Behaviour that is.

In attempting to see all this, and as it is, is to now and in all even center the Harlequin, and at the point, right in the middle, and between talk of the African Collective Memory, and of African Civ. in itself too. That the Harlequin in all, can be said centered in all again, and in speak of the Throat in itself, and if not in speak of the Voice too.

That the Harlequin in all again, and in speak of the Throat/Voice, can be said defined, and in the following three terms in all: Thirst, Craving and Yearning. That in speak of Thirst, speak now and of the African Collective Memory in itself, and as simply said defined as such, but that in speak of Yearning, speak now and of African Civ. and in itself too that is. In putting all this together though, Cravings, and as said to speak of the Harlequin in himself, or of Body Consciousness in itself too, and in speak now and of Cravings, and as simply said defined and in speak and of what one does in all even Agree too, Admit to, or speak again, and of what one is said Accepting of that is.

In all, in defining oneself as such, in Craving, speak now too, and of the defining of the Harlequin in all perhaps, and not in speak and of the Throat in itself specifically, but in speak and of the Voice truly, and in saying that, the Voice can be said defined, and in speak of the Tonal (Yearning), Tonality (Thirst), and of Tone too (Craving), but that in all again, and in speak now of Pitch, Timbre and Volume/Loudness in all, it does in all even refer, and to speak too and of what in the Ifa tradition, they do call Iponri (Pitch), Ori (Timbre) and Ori Inu (Volume/Loudness) that is.

In all, and in further speak of the Harlequin, speak now and of it all said (Ifa) Oracle and Obi too that is.