Friday 24 April 2015



In introducing this very entry, and as it truly is, is to now speak and of the very manner in all, most do in all even, perceive South America, Northern America and Europe too that is. That for most, and in Africa too, Northern America in all, and as viewed too, and from speak of Promise in all, does speak too of the United States of America, and of its Presidency too that is. In speak of South America and as such, in Promise that is, is to speak now and of Brazil, and of Brazilian Soccer too perhaps, and if not of the name of Pele too that is. In speak of Europe though, speak now and of Germany and in Industry too, and if not of the UK, and of many an European University too that is.

First off, let me begin here by saying that, Brer Rabbit, or Br'er Rabbit too, is simply said the best. Now, and having said that, is to simply ask, what in all, is Oriki said to be? It all can be best perhaps be said described, and in speak of the very tales of Brer Rabbit et. al. that is, and in further speak too of a (hard) Lesson learned that is.. Oriki though, is something said complex in all, and if perceived too, and from a said Abstract perspective, and not that said Poetic either.

In saying now that, the very best manner in all, and of perceiving South America, is said to speak now and of the very term in all, and of Egungun, is not to say too much, and other than speak here too, and of Cultural Artefacts that is [and in speak too now, and of olden African Rifles for instance]. In speak of Europe and Africa, speak now too, and of Arts/Media (and if not of Institute too), and if not in speak too of Africa now, and as traditionally viewed, and from speak of the Title of the Chief too that is.

It is however, and in speak of Northern America in all, and simply where in all again, Africans, should best view life in the region in all, and from speak too now of Oriki that is. For what is Oriki simply said to be? In now saying that, Ottawa in all, is believed said the Seat of Government and in Canada too, in a said North American point-of-view in all (POV) that is, Ottawa, and as believed even said the very Center for a Government, and of the Future, and as said to speak of North America as one that is [and if not in speak and of NAFTA too that is]. In saying that, Oriki in all, does in all even speak and of whom/who one is, and in said Agreement/Support too that is, is to now associate it all too, and with the African/Nigerian/Yoruba Title of Babalawo that is, but in saying that, this does speak too of what Government and in Northern America truly is like, it does in all even now speak of the chanting of Oriki in all, and of Consciousness too, Individual, or that said Communal too, and as said to refer, and to speak too of the Avowal that is.