Thursday 2 April 2015



What in all, is Criticism, said to be? It all, can be said something not too easy to explain, for it does in all even it is believed, parallel, speak of History in itself. That in speak of any account told, and as said taking Criticism, and as its very center in all, speak now too, and not of History and as said unfolding that is, but in speak truly, and of what one could simply term here, Archives that is. That History is often believed said a farce, and in now saying that, History and as it did happen, is believed said to speak truly of Archives, and of Criticism too, and not of Journalism either for instance.

That what in all, is Criticism said to actually be? Speak now perhaps, and of the very word of Instinct in itself. That in all even, it is said that Instinct is too many a thing, and that does differ in all, and in speak too now of Egypt, Africa and of the rest of the World that is. For Civilization in all, is often said Egyptian, and no matter what else is believed said, for Egypt in all, did define itself, and in speak of Instinct, and of that said Evolutionary, Instinct too that is. In saying that Instinct, does in all even speak of Criticism, and as versus speak of Intellect, and of Journalism too, is to now say that, most of the World in all, is not actually ruled over in all again, and by Instinct, and in further speak too of Evolutionary Instinct, but in speak in all again, and of Tendencies, and of Mannerisms too that is. 

But whom/who in all I am here, and when I do say that, Civilization, is truly said African in all, for it is in Africa, and whereby and other than speak of Instinct and Evolutionary Instinct, one does in all even speak of Evolutionary Theory/Games, and of Natural Selection too, but that in all even, the two in all, have been described and as said to refer, and to speak of the Fear Instinct, and of the Survival Instinct too, but that in all again, and in speak now of a previous post, Africa in all, and as said defined too and by what some do term the Death Instinct that is.

In now saying that, Egypt in all, is defined and by speak of Ori, and of the rest of the World, speak now too, and of the rise and birth of Christianity, and in further speak too of Halos that is, but that in speak of Africa, and of Criticism too, and of the Death Instinct in all, speak now, and of one, and in Personality too in all, and if not Perception too, and as said truly defined now, and in ones abilities in all, and in Tracking, Tracing and Timing many a thing that is.

In all, Criticism, and as finding a home, and in speak too of Magazines for instance, for while the Publication is said African, and the Magasin/Magazine said Egyptian in all, the Journal is in all truly American, and with the Digest said South African too (interestingly enough), but with the rest of the World, said ruled over, and by the Periodical/Gazette that is.