Thursday 2 April 2015



This entry, now does have to do, and with the very manner in all, one does in all even think of Survival in itself, and in Africa too. That in doing this, we do in all even approach speak and of what some do term Evolutionary Biology, and as now said and to speak too of Adaptation in itself that is. That the first of these, does speak too, and of Evolution in all, and as said a Design that is, and one too and which does in all even refer or speak too that is, and of Type/Fit in all. Adaptation in itself though, is often said believed to speak of Models, and in speak too of Holographic Models for instance, and that do in all even ponder many a thing, and as having to do and with speak of Size, Build, Texture, Shape, State, Condition etc., and in further speak now and of one, and as said adapting and to life in Africa in all that is. A third manner in all again, and of viewing all this, Adaptation in all so to speak, and in Africa, now does have one defining themselves, and in speak of pasts Success, Attainments, Accomplishments, Achievements etc., and such that, they are in all even used to Gauge or Measure, any said Progress in all, made, and in regards and to speak too of Survival that is.

Most do in all even recognize that, Egypt, is simply said a different place, and from Africa. There are those who have hinted at a said belief, and that does say, the Soils in Egypt, do mirror in all, those in the Middle East, but in saying that, is to now remind one and in all that, the Egyptian Sun, or speak too of the Nile, are believed in all even truly Africa(n) that is.

However, there are differences and between Egypt, Africa and the rest of the World, and in regards and to speak of a life lived that is. That unknown to most, and in speak of Adaptation too, what they do call Media, is in all even intrinsically said Egyptian in all, and which does in all even speak too of History, and in the form of the Story that is. In the rest of the World though, and outside Africa too, one finds in all that, Media, does not actually truly exist (and with the exception of Italy), and that in all again, one finds it all a World said defined and by speak too of the Study, the Report, the Essay, the Composition, the Exposition etc., and as said too, and to refer, and to speak of the Saga in itself that is. Africa though, is actually ruled over and by Journalism in itself, and not Media or in speak too of the others mentioned above, for Journalism in all, does speak too of African life, and as simply said described/defined, and by the Fable/Tale in itself that is.