Thursday 2 April 2015

Dark Matter

Dark Matter.

Many have heard, and of the very word of Kundalini that is. Most though, would not fully understand what it does mean, and unless, it was applied and to speak of everyday activities, or speak too of many a Lifestyle that is. That Kundalini in all again, is best said here too, studied, and from three said perspectives in all, and that do in all even refer, and to the Body and in Health too that is. That in speak of the Body as such, speak now too, and of Health and as said originating, and with speak now and in all, and of Meditation, the Yogic, and of Kundalini too that is.

That most of the World, is ruled over by Meditation, and in speak too now and of one and as said actually exercising, push-ups, and in the very right manner in all that is. The Yogic world on the otherhand, is not well understood by most, for it does in all even speak of Medical practices in all, and that do in all even refer, and to speak here of Sensory Perception in itself, and not of Perception truly either.

Kundalini though, is now and in all even said Egyptian or Indian, but can be said African too that is. For Kundalini and in the Egyptian tradition, now does go to, and with speak and of the Pituitary Gland, and as said now associated, and with speak too of pure streaming White light, and that does in all even have us in all, Opening up, Embracing or Awakening and to life in itself that is. In speak of the Indian tradition though, Kundalini, and as associated and with speak of the Chakras, of Ori/Conscience, and if not of Body Vitality too that is.

It is however and in speak of Africa, that Kundalini now does in all even manifest, and in speak too and of what they do term Dark Matter, and that now does speak too and of Affirming or Validating life in all, and in said speak too, and of a Guiding Principle that is.

In all, speak now too, and of Sexuality in itself, and as expressed, and in speak and of the Validating of life, or of Sexual Reproduction too that is, or speak too now, and of a difficult manner in all, and of viewing African Sexuality, and of the Affirming of life too, and that does in all even ground it all, and in speak too of the said Archetype/Avatar/Apotheosis/Embodiment in all, and of the Virgin that is, and that does in all even associate Success, and with being Chaste or in speak too of Chastity in all [and of said theories too, and of Sexual Transmutation that is].