Tuesday 21 April 2015

the Saharan

The Saharan.

When we do in all speak here, and of the Saharan, we are in all even referring, and to the Countries of the Sahara, and as said to constitute too, and of the following: Chad, Niger, Mali, Mauritania, and the Western Sahara too that is. These Countries in all, are said to be of importance/significance and in Africa, and in regards truly now, and to speak too of whom/who in all, they are, and in Art, Culture, Religion, Organization, Language etc., and such that, it does in all even truly refer or speak too of, the African Collective Memory in itself that is.

In having said that though, is to now attempt to in all even, re-align African History/Culture, and in Theme too, and away from the Western World in all, and towards now and to speak too of the Middle East that is. That in speak now, and of the Sahel, and of the West African Countries too, is to now speak too of Divisions in all, and if not of Diatribe too, and of Alienation that is, and that does in all even refer, and to whom/who in all, they are, and in Dress/Custom, and as now said too, and to speak of the Sahel, and as said possessing in all Muslim/Islamic Garb/Dress that is, and Custom too and as simply said to speak of the Sahel, while West Africa in all, does have to it, Custom/Dress in all, and as simply said African, and in speak now too of the Agbada that is.

In speak of the Countries of the Maghreb, speak now of Divisions, Alienation and of Diatribe too, and with the rest of Africa too that is, and that does now speak too and of their possessing Mediterranean Culture in all that is.

In speak of Southern Africa, and with its History now said merging with that Swahili too, and in speak of the name of Azania that is, is to now speak too of Divisions in all, Diatribe and of Alienation too, and that does in all even speak of Westernization, and as compared in all and to the said keeping in all, and of said truly African Norms/Mores that is, and in speak too here, and of the name of 'Great Zimbabwe' for instance, and if not too of Identity, and as simply said Ancestral that is.

In speak now and of the Countries below the Sahara, and above Southern Africa too, is to now speak of them truly and in Diatribe, Divisions and Alienation that is, and as said associated and with Religion, and that does speak too, of 'the Way of the Cross' that is [and not of Christianity truly either]. 'The Way of the Cross', and as now not said to speak of the Christian Faith and in Ethiopia too, or of Somalia and as not said to speak truly of the Cross either, but that in all even, speak of the Christian Faith, and as said part now, and of the History of Jerusalem, and as with it all even a Faith, Christian, and that is neither Nubian in its ways too, but can be said Hebrew/Egyptian too though, but could in all even be said truly to speak of the Cross, and as Africans and as found below the Sahara, and above Southern Africa too, do in all even Interpret that is, the Christian Faith, and as with it all even now said to speak of such Africans, and as simply said Bamileke too that is.

In all, in speak of Africa, and as perceived from speak of the Middle East, the Maghreb and as said now part too of Turkey, Southern Africa / Swahili Coast, or Azania truly, and of Oman, the Sahel / West Africa group, and as said part of 'Islamic Spain' so to speak (and if not of Muslim/Arabic Egypt too that is), while in speak of Africa and of the Bamileke so to speak, speak now, and of the History of Jerusalem/Israel that is.

The Way of the Cross: