Thursday 23 April 2015

African Performance/Expression

African Performance/Expression.

When we do in all, speak of African Performance, we are in all even now said referring to it, and in speak too now of Nationalism and of National Identities too that is. That African Performance today, is believed often taken/perceived and from such perspectives in all. In helping one understand all this, is to now attempt to explain, the very difference, and between African Performance, and African Expression too that is. That it in all too, now does in all even come down, and to speak too, and of what evolving societies in all, and in speak of the Future too, are today in all said to be all about.

There are those though, and who do in all even believe, Africa, will never catch up, and to the rest of the World that is. The very belief that, Africa in all, and as said Civil too, is actually believed said an old, and if not ancient Continent too, and in speak too now perhaps, and of what does pass for Maturity for instance.

In explaining all this furtherly, and if not clearly too, is to now say that, Africa, and as said an old Continent, is believed said to speak of it too, and in Expression too that is. Expression too, and that does in all even define Africa, and in Motive and Ambition too in all. In speaking of Africa and as such, and as said old too that is, is to now and in all even speak of African Identity, and as said to speak of the Trans-Atlantic, of the Mediterranean, of the Red Sea, of the Indian Ocean, and if not of the African Diaspora too and so to speak. For Central/Western Africa in all, does in all even, and to this very day, still very much have Expression to it, and that does in all eve speak of the Trans-Atlantic, and if not in speak too and of the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade that is. In speak of Northern Africa or of the Maghreb in particular too, speak now and of it in Expression, and as said to speak too, and of Mediterranean culture that is. In speak of Egypt though, and of the Sudan too, and of the said Cushite/Cushitic peoples in all, and of Ethiopia, Somalia, Eritrea and Djibouti too, Expression in all, and as said to match too, that which does in all even, speak too of the Red Sea that is [and if not of Yemen in particular]. In speak of East Africa, Expression now, and as simply said extending, and into the Indian Ocean that is. In speak of Southern Africa though, speak now and of Expression, and in further speak too of Motive and Ambition, and as said referring, and to the African Diaspora in itself that is.

When we do in all though, speak of Africa and in Performance, speak now too, and of Africa, and in Nationalism too, and as said to speak of Aim, Intent and Goal too that is [and if not in speak of Workplace Performance too for instance]. That in speak of Africa as such, speak now and of it all too, speaking of the History of Colonialism in Africa, and as said to speak too of Africans and as said in all even, a conquered people, and in speak now and of whom/who in all they are, and in Aim, Intent and Goal too that is. Neo-Colonialism in all, is now said too, to find a home in Africa, and in speak of Africans, and as said having failed to define themselves in all, and sufficiently so to speak, and in Media too, and that does in all even speak of Aim, Intent or Goal, or in speak too of Performance and in itself too that is [and as with it all even believed to speak of Africa, and as said ancient too that is].

In saying that Africa's Time has come to pass, and in speak of it said too, never having been that is, is to now delve or dig deeper, and into the African Psyche in all, and in now asking Africans, whom/who in all they are, and in regards and to their Perceptions in all, and of the Future, and of the evolution of societies too that is. That Africa, is still believed to truly exist, or stand, or evolve truly, and in speak now and of Instinct in itself, and such that, it does now speak too, and of Africa Re-Invented, and in Instinct that is, and as said now referring, and to speak too of Haiti, Egypt, and if not of Maritime Culture too that is.