Wednesday 1 April 2015

A Brief History of Time

A Brief History of Time.

This entry, will attempt, to introduce, an interesting said here, view, and of what does constitute for Time, and in speak too of Africa, and of Evolution in itself that is. That this in all, does speak too, and of the defining and of what they do call Ori, and in speak too and of the very word/term Access that is.

Hopefully, this is all understood, Ori and as said Access, for it in all, does in all even truly define or determine in all again, the very manner in all, we do Perceive our very environs, and as it all even simply said, and to speak too of comfort, safety and warmth/pleasure that is. 

In having said that, is to now equate truly, Ori, and as said defined and in speak too of Access, and with speak too of Time in itself, and as said Conscientiousness too perhaps. That what we are in all even saying here is that, Time in itself, and as said to speak too of Ori and in Access, and of the very manner in all we do perceive our environs, now does have to it, a Behavioural mechanism that is, and that does ask of us, whom/who in all we are, and with Avoidance too (and of the African Collective Memory that is), and whom/who in all we are, and in Deflection (and in speak too of African Civ. that is).

In saying that, the above, the Human in all, and as simply said defined, and as said Avoidance and Deflection too, and in speak too of the Behavioural, now does have us too, and as perceiving in all, Ori, and as said to speak too of Access, and if not as defining us and in Conscientiousness, and in speak now and of Human Behaviour, and as simply said defined now, and in speak of Rejection, Dejection and Abjection too that is.

The above said though, cannot be said to be truly clear in its ways in all, or in its entirety too, for it does in all even ask of us, why in all, we would choose to present Humans that is, and as said defined in all, truly, and in speak of Avoidance/Deflection, and in regards and to the Behavioural in all, or in speak too of Rejection, Dejection and Abjection, and in speak too of Natural Human Behaviour that is. That we in all, are being called upon here, and to actually view the Human, and in Natural behaviour too, and as said defined above that is.

It all though, would probably make sense, and if one was asked to view Ori, and as primarily in all even said to speak of Access, and of Time, and in Conscientiousness too, and as now said interestingly here in all, and to speak too, and of Time and as perceived or conceptualized in all again, and in speak now and of Reproduction, Breeding and Procreation too that is [and with the latter, Procreation, actually referring and to speak too of 'Animal life', and not Humans either]. In all, Time now, and as simply said to speak truly only, and of Regeneration in itself that is.

Finally, and in speak of Ori and as said Access too, speak now and of the Human, and in speak too of Religion/Spirituality in itself, and that does speak too and of having strange Visions, or of a high Imagination too, and as now associated only, and with speak and of the word/term Fright in itself that is [for thats whom/who in all, Humans are said to be, and in speak too now and of one and in the deepest of Mystical Thought too that is : Fright].