Friday 24 April 2015



Those who can still be said, somewhat remorseful in their ways, and in regard and to the demise of Zaire in all, and in said favour now and for the Congo too, should in all even be aware, Zaire, does still very much remain alive, and in this very Blog too that is. For Zaire in all, now does speak too, and of African Civ., and in Ceremony, Ceremonials and in the Gathering too, and in an Africa today, and which does too, attempt to define itself, as such, in Ceremony, Ceremonials and in the Gathering that is, and in speak too now of Ashanti/Akan culture, and which does in all even define the forementioned three in all, and in a manner in all again, and that does speak too of Internationalism that is [and of the UN too in all].


British Commonwealth: