Thursday 23 April 2015



What in all, is Media, actually said to be? Why do many now and in all again, do actually seek it out that is? For many, and outside Africa too, Media in all, and as now said truly believed associated, and with the very word/term of Accord, or of Accordance too, and in speak now and of Media, and as said too in accordance, and with ones beliefs, thoughts, worries, imaginings etc.

In speak of Africa though, Media can in all even now be said, and to speak of one and in Imagination too, for Media in all, is believed said nothing much else, and than a said Response too, and to Imagination in itself too that is [that Media in all, is now said best associated, and with speak of the very word/term of Verification that is, while Imagination on the otherhand, is in all now said here, best associated in all, and with the very word/term of Veracity that is]. That what is been said here is that, all there is, is said only Imagination that is.