Saturday 4 April 2015



Many have heard, and in Africa too, and of the very word Grace that is. Most though, knowing it all, and to refer and to speak of Christianity, don't in all even see it all, and as said a word too, defining Africans in all, and by the moment that is. That the very reason for this, does now have to do, and with the very fact that, in speak of Awareness in all again, Africans, and as truly associating it all, and with the more difficult Concept in all, and of Style, and which does have an Awareness to it all, and that probably does best speak too, and of a Black Panther that is.

In saying that Grace in all, is whom/who in all again, Africans are said to be, and in speak and of the most simple of Awakenings in all, and if not that said to very much go along too, and with speak of Survival in itself, is to now speak too of African Religion in itself, and as said to simply speak and of the Sun, and of the Moon too that is. That both the Sun, and the Moon, are believed said in all even, and to directly impact the Human, and in the most fundamental of ways too that is, and such that, it does in all even speak of the Human in all, and in 'his' said entirety in all too, and simply defined in the following two terms/words : Reception and Encounter. That most in all, aren't probably in all again, aware of, the very fact that it is believed here, that the Sun in all, is believed to truly in all even, impact the very manner in all again, one does define Reception, and in their very lives too, and as the Sun, is the only thing it is believed, most are simply said ready to receive that is. Of the Moon, the only thing said, we do in all care to Encounter that is.

That the Human in all again, and in speak of Religious Beliefs too, is simply said Reception and Encounter, and that it does in all even refer and the very manner in all, he does in all again define these two, and as simply said truly agreeable and to ones nature that is, for it now in all too, does open one up, and to all said Spiritual experiences, and that could very well too speak of Werewolves, Vampires, or speak even of a chance meeting and with Evil in itself that is.