Sunday 10 May 2015

African Ideologies

African Ideologies.

Those who have in all heard, and of African Ideologies, do in all even associate it all, and with speak and of the very term of Surmounting that is, and of any said Resolution too in all, and if not issue/matter that is, and that is often believed said, to speak too and of African Communal/Community Religion that is [and if not of Belief truly either].

In saying that, African Ideologies, are often said associated now, and with speak of Developmental Efforts that is, and that do speak too of COMESA for instance, and if not of speak of the said Centers Model of Development in all, and that does now associate speak of Egypt, Nigeria, South Africa and Kenya too, and as said Important/Significant Centers in Africa that is, and in regards to speak of Development in all [and which does in all even simply appear, to be truly grounded in all, and in speak of the Commercial that is].

In having said that, is to now speak on African Ideologies, and as now said associated in all, and with speak truly in all, and not of Regional Identity truly, but that said too, Continental that is. That Africans in all, are often believed to associate speak of Development, and with said International Collaborations for instance, and which are not believed said in all, grounded, and in any said African Reality (and of African Everyday life too), or in speak too now, and of what does constitute and for African Identity, and in such a said Presentation that is [and in further speak that is, and of what is said accounted for, and of what is not for instance].

In having said that, is to now present three said African Ideologies in all, and which can be said to accommodate, speak now and of African Regional/Continental Identity, and as with it all even said, to speak, and of what is believed, to stand for or represent for African Behaviour, and as said too, and to in all even refer, and to just whom/who in all, Africans, are said to be, and in Death that is.

African Literacy: The very world in all and so to say, and of African Literacy, is not often fully explained and to most, but it is in all, not something difficult to in all decipher that is, for it does in all even speak too and of Nigerian Scholarship that is. What is Literacy though? While Nigeria in all, might very well speak of it all, and from speak too of traditions that is, there is another said manner in all, and of defining Literacy, African, and that can be said to in all even speak of African Perceptions, African Studies and of African Communications too that is. A Model, believed Historical in its ways, for it does now too, associate Perception, and with speak too of Taste (African), and of Takes (African) that is. In speak of African Studies, they now too, simply said to refer, and to an Inter/Multi-Disciplinary approach in all. In speak of African Communications, now they in all and in the past truly, best said to speak too and of the very word/term of Imagery in itself that is.

African Spiritism: Something in all, believed said truly Egyptian, and as now said to speak of life, and as simply said one thing: Depiction/Portrayal.

African Culturalism: Something in all, best believed said to speak of the said Country of Kenya that is, but with Culturalism, now believed said in all, and to basically or simply here, speak too of Disease, and as not said to speak of Sickness or Illness truly either, but of Malaise and Ailments in particular too that is. That Culturalism in all, does in all even simply speak of one and as said Dying that is, but with it all even said to speak of many a said Idea for instance, that does give life, to any said place or situation that is (that it could all be much better in its ways), but that in all again, speak now of Dying, and as said perceived in all, and in speak now too, and of the very word/term, and of the Farewell too for instance.