Thursday 14 May 2015

Distributive Networks

Distributive Networks.

Most in Africa, might in all, not be truly aware, and of what does pass for a World Consciousness, and in the World today. That in speak of Commerce, Business, Politics, Law, Education, Diplomacy etc., the World in all, does very much appear, to have come in all again, and to be truly defined, and by speak and of what some could call Relational Networks, and in speak too now, and of Relational Database Management Systems (RDBMS) too that is. That take the Indians for instance (and so to speak), and with they now having one Relational Network in India, collude with another, for a partnership with another in China, develop animosity with another in Japan, proposition one in Australia, have another in the United States of America attempt to reach them in all, and such that, in speak of Commerce, Business, Information/Knowledge Deployment etc., a said even Time Consciousness, and as said too a World Consciousness, does in all even develop, and in regards to all this that is [and which does in all even refer, and to many a small and good/great Idea, and as simply said floating/flowing around that is].

Africa, and in regards to the above, has failed in all it is said, and in very much becoming a part, and of the above mentioned World Consciousness, and which does in all even, go along, and with speak of Family, Work and Communal/Community/Religious Networks that is. That in all, the above, is a rather good manner in all, and of truly making-out in all, the very manner in all again, the World and as it is today, did come to be, and in speak of it all even, said defined truly, and by speak of Technology in itself (Television, Radio, Telecoms, Internet etc.), and such that, it does speak too, and of the said quick flowing/movement around, and of many an Idea in all, and in basic speak here of Knowledge/Data Mining for instance, and such that, it is believed by some, that Africa now, is simply said left behind, and in speak and of their having failed in all, and in simply becoming a part of the History of the Development of such Relational Networks, and outside speak too now and surprisingly and shockingly enough, and of the History of Slavery and of Africa too that is.

However though, all is not believed to have gone down the drain, and in now telling one that, Africa, and in speak of such a World Consciousness, is now believed truly, to have its very own Consciousness, and as simply said an African Consciousness too, and in regards to speak of Development/Time too that is, and that does truly best speak, and of Distributive Networks in all [or speak truly, and of most Communications/Media, and in Africa today, but as said too, failing in all, and in reaching their objective that is].