Wednesday 6 May 2015

The Western Mind

The Western Mind.

Most do know, and of Western civilization that is. A civilization in all, believed said to have its very roots, and in speak too of the very name of Constantinople in all, but in all again, said today, having its in inspiration, and in Chinese Civilization too that is. Western civilization though, is something truly encompassing in its ways, and such that, most don't truly know what does serve for being Western in all, and other than in speak and of a said speech/accent possessed that is.

In having said that, is to now detail Western civilization, and as most do know it, and as said to speak too, and of the following: Western Art (and in speak too of the Middle East), Western Philosophy (and of South America), Western Literature (and of the United States), Western Law (and of the United States of America too), Western Science (Europe), Western Belief (something in all, said too African, but in many away, truly Australian), Western Writings (South Africa), Western Theosophy/Music (Italy), Western Culture (Canada), Western Song (Africa), Western Performance (Asia), Western Poetry/Prose (Russia), and if not in speak too of Western Mathematics/Technology (Egypt).

In all though, this Blog, does in all even truly associate itself though, and with speak truly and of the Western Mind that is, and as said to speak too of Heroism in all.